Six-band wire-stub trap antenna software

Namun disisi ada kelebihan dibanding dengan software eqso tentu ada kelemahannya, yaitu bagi yang koneksinya ngosngosan alias tidak stabil akan sulit tekoneksi dengan teman yang lain walau hanya sekedar rx mode untuk monitor saja. Unlike to others, this notch is then matched to the sourceload at the passband frequency. The error comes because a coaxial cable capacitor is really a stub, not a pure capacitor trap. Dengan echolink selain lebih jernih kita juga sekaligus masuk pada komunitas amateur radio world wide. Wanting to discuss ocfds and singlewirefed windom antennas. Only the stub portion has two wires in parallell, the rest is only one wire. This improved multiband trap dipole introduces a new trap design and a.

The watson 80plus2 is a compact antenna measuring 52 feet in length that is. This antenna covers 80 to 6 meters with low feed point impedance and will work with. Software downloads awg conversion chart understanding smith chart. Hf w5gi mystery multi band antenna wire antennas uk. The lattin multiband antenna was originally patented by w4jrw back in 1950, patent. I run 4nec2 flawlessly on gnulinux using the equally free playon linux software. I dont know how good these modelling programs are in this situation. I am planning a two band antenna for 30 and 80m using linear traps. The reason loss is low is we have moved the trap slightly outofband. Trap dipole with quarterwave wire stubs qrz forums. The lattin antenna in this article was designed for hf bands, 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters with 15. The ends furthest from the balun are joined together, and to a wire stub 1 foot.

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